Description of Flow
User issues a HTTP call, such as:
curl -X GET --header "Accept: application/json" $URL
(Note: contains fake values for ‘app_id’ and ‘app_key’)
The HTTP request will be processed by the top-level index.php
file index.php
The flow in index.php
- First, the memcache cache is checked. If the request is in the cache, the cached result is returned and processing ends.
- Loop thru all of the RDF *.ttl files in the ‘api-config-files’ directory.
- For each file, load the rdf/ttl file into an RDF Graph, store in the variable $ConfigGraph.
- Note: the $ConfigGraph object also contains the $Request object.
- If the config of $ConfigGraph matches the $Request, you have the right config. do:
- construct a $Response object from the $Request and $ConfigGraph
- call $Response->process()
- exit the loop.
- call $Response->serve()
- cache the $Request –> $Response pair.
class LinkedDataApiRequest
The code is in file lda-request.class.php.
The LinkedDataApiRequest object contains the $Request
string plus methods for parsing and slicing and dicing the request into various parts. All of the logic for computing the result is driven by the LinkedDataApiResponse class.
class LinkedDataApiResponse
The code is in file lda-response.class.php.
Primary entry points are the process()
and serve()
computes the resultserve()
handles converting the result to the desired serialization format (e.g., JSON, RDF, TSV, HTML).
function process()
Main flow:
- Create a SparqlWriter, a Viewer, a SparqlService, a DataHandler, and then load the data:
Selected Statements:
$sparqlWriter = new SparqlWriter($this->ConfigGraph, $this->Request, $this->ParameterPropertyMapper);
$viewerUri = $this->getViewer();
$this->SparqlEndpoint = new SparqlService($sparqlEndpointUri, $credentials, $this->HttpRequestFactory);
$dataHandlerParams = new DataHandlerParams($this->Request, $this->ConfigGraph, $this->DataGraph,
$viewerUri, $sparqlWriter,
$this->SparqlEndpoint, $this->endpointUrl);
$this->dataHandler = DataHandlerFactory::createXXXDataHandler($dataHandlerParams);
// XXX is one of five factory methods to create a data handler, depending on type of endpoint.
The type of DataHandler created by DataHandlerFactory depends on the type of Endpoint of the matched ConfigGraph. Each ConfigGraph has an Endpoint of one of the following types:
- ItemEndpoint – return a single item (entity) or information about a single item.
- ListEndpoint – return value is a list of items or item information.
- BatchEndpoint – return information about a list of items (the input is a list).
- IntermediateExpansionEndpoint – (??) first query gets a list of items to run 2nd query on (??)
- ExternalHTTPService – delegate the operation to another web service, e.g., ConceptWiki, Chemistry Service, IMS.
class DataHandlerFactory
5 static factory methods. The first 3 create a TwoStepDataHandler:
- createListDataHandler(.)
- createBatchDataHandler(.)
- createIntermediateExpansionDataHandler(.)
- createItemDataHandler(.)
- createExternalServiceDataHandler(.)
interface DataHandler
- loadData()
Type hierarchy of DataHandlers:
- OneStepDataHandler
- ItemDataHandler
- ExternalServiceDataHandler
- TwoStepDataHandler
A TwoStepDataHandler consists of a Selctor and a Viewer. The loadData()
method is essentially:
$viewer->applyViewerAndBuildDataGraph( $selctor->getItemMap() );
interface Selector
A Selector obtains a list of items (i.e., URIs or literal values) to be added to the eventual real SPARQL query.
- getItemMap()
- Returns a map between variable names and lists of items
- All selectors will return a map at least with the key ‘item’
- optionally, keys for expansionVariables can also appear i.e. ‘compound_chembl’
Types of Selector:
- RequestSelector
- Extracts the list of items from the HTTP Request.
- SparqlSelector
- Issues a SPARQL query to obtain the list of items.
- Obtains this SPARQL query via
interface Viewer
Types of Viewer:
- SingleExpansionViewer
- MultipleExpansionViewer
Methods of Viewer:
- function getViewQuery();
- SingleExpansionViewer uses SparqlWriter->getViewQueryForUriList(..)
- MultipleExpansionViewer uses SparqlWriter->getViewQueryForBatchUriList(..)
- function applyViewerAndBuildDataGraph($itemMap);
- called as second step by TwoStepDataHandler->loadData( $selector->getItemMap() ).
class SparqlWriter
Several methods for creating various kinds of SPARQL queries.
Calls OpsIms->expandQuery(…) and OpsIms->expandBatchQuery(…).
SparqlWriter appears to be the only user of class OpsIms, and thus presumably of IMS & QueryExpander (as far as I can tell).
class SparqlService
Part of the ‘moriarity’ library. Used to execute SPARQL queries.
- query(…)
- graph(…)
- execute a SPARQL query that returns an RDF Graph.
class OpsIms
Class for using IMS and/or QueryExpander.
- expandQuery(…)
- expandBatchQuery(…)